What a beautiful sheath for a beautiful knife November 2, 2015 19:48

For Christmas I got my wife a beautiful knife with a school of fish etched on one side, and I wonder if it is possible to get a sheath for it. I was looking at some of the sheaths by Jim Ort on your website, and they look gorgeous... The knife is a smashing success. It's the kind of thing you want to take with you wherever you go, like even on vacation, because you get used to using your favorite things and you don't want to leave them behind for any reason. So to take it with her she would need a sheath...

What a beautiful sheath for a beautiful knife. The texture and color are awesome. The artwork is exquisite -- the fish matches the fish etching; the delta and sigma lettering is so so nice; the way the fish seems to have swum the oval surrounding the letters is just amazing. Beautiful, beautiful piece of work. Please accept my and my wife's thanks for a job beautifully done and please convey same to Mr. Patton. I am glad he signed the sheath. Both the knife and the sheath are works of art. Thank you so much.